The Saying of Confucius
The Master said, I can speak of the manners of Hsia; but as proof of them Chi is not enough. I can speak of the manners of Yin; but as proof of them Sung is not enough. This is due to their dearth of books and great men. If there were enough of these, I could use them as proofs.
The Master said, I can speak of the manners of Hsia; but as proof of them Chi is not enough. I can speak of the manners of Yin; but as proof of them Sung is not enough. This is due to their dearth of books and great men. If there were enough of these, I could use them as proofs.
Taksit Sayısı | Taksit tutarı | Genel Toplam |
Tek Çekim | 114,57 | 114,57 |
2 | 59,58 | 119,15 |
3 | 41,25 | 123,74 |
Taksit Sayısı | Taksit tutarı | Genel Toplam |
Tek Çekim | 114,57 | 114,57 |
2 | 59,58 | 119,15 |
3 | 41,25 | 123,74 |
Taksit Sayısı | Taksit tutarı | Genel Toplam |
Tek Çekim | 114,57 | 114,57 |
2 | 59,58 | 119,15 |
3 | 41,25 | 123,74 |
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