The whole force of these words fell upon the unfortunate Werther. Full of despair, he threw himself at Charlotte's feet, seized her hands, and pressed them to his eyes and to his forehead. An apprehension of his fatal project now struck her for the first time. Her senses were bewildered: she held his hands, pressed them to her bosom; and, leaning toward him with emotions of the tenderest pity, her warm cheek touched his.
They lost sight of everything.
The whole force of these words fell upon the unfortunate Werther. Full of despair, he threw himself at Charlotte's feet, seized her hands, and pressed them to his eyes and to his forehead. An apprehension of his fatal project now struck her for the first time. Her senses were bewildered: she held his hands, pressed them to her bosom; and, leaning toward him with emotions of the tenderest pity, her warm cheek touched his.
They lost sight of everything.
Taksit Sayısı | Taksit tutarı | Genel Toplam |
Tek Çekim | 140,70 | 140,70 |
2 | 73,16 | 146,33 |
3 | 50,65 | 151,96 |
Taksit Sayısı | Taksit tutarı | Genel Toplam |
Tek Çekim | 140,70 | 140,70 |
2 | 73,16 | 146,33 |
3 | 50,65 | 151,96 |
Taksit Sayısı | Taksit tutarı | Genel Toplam |
Tek Çekim | 140,70 | 140,70 |
2 | 73,16 | 146,33 |
3 | 50,65 | 151,96 |